sâmbătă, 24 decembrie 2011

vineri, 9 decembrie 2011


Organizatia noastra are aprobat si in derulare proiectul, sub egida programului TINERET IN ACTIUNE - Actiunea 1.1.: ALL TOGETHER FOR A BETTER WORLD / TOTI IMPREUNA PENTRU O LUME MAI BUNA, ale carui activitati se vor desfasura in perioada: 02.12.2011 - 30.04.2012. Partenerii in acest proiect sunt organizatii din TURCIA - Bolu, ITALIA - Palermo, BULGARIA, PORTUGALIA, UNGARIA, care vor avea 5 tineri participanti cu varste intre 13 si 25 ani + 1 lider, invitati sa desfasoare activitati de educatie NON-FORMALA, timp de 1 saptamana, la Pitesti, intre 21-29.04.2012!

Invitam toti membrii organizatiei si pe aceia care doresc sa-si aduca o contributie, la implicarea in aceste activitati, care au ca impact principal, o dezvoltare armonioasa a personalitatii fiecaruia dintre participanti.

 The project “ALL TOGETHER FOR A BETTER WORLD/ TOȚI ÎMPREUNĂ PENTRU O LUME MAI BUNĂ” has the main goal to develop intercultural learning process and good skills for youngsters – the main European priority for 2011 year. We will get aware the participants regarding their common European origins, while maintaining their cultural diversity and including socio-economical disadvantaged youth by volunteering activities, promoting social inclusion and tolerance, within the Youth in Action Program EU constant priorities for 2011/2018 years. All promoters will focus on youth active citizenship and volunteering problems, cultural diversity, multilingualism, non-formal educational methods in order to improve cooperation between youth, to encourage communication and mutual understanding.

The project is focused also on promoting common European values and traditions, contemporary topics of interests for youth, including volunteering, poverty and social exclusion, as well as good collaboration and fair-play communication through specific non-formal learning activities, in order to help youth in growing up with a better self-respect and self-confidence. During the full 7 days of activities + 2 days of trip and accommodation we all will enjoy learning. We have a team of 6 promoters (IT, BG, HU, PT, TR, RO) with good experience in non-formal education and excellent cooperative skills that will assure the success of this initiative. We have also the support of local authorities in implementing our activities.